Much has been spoken about environmentally friendly engines and there is meant to be much investigation, though some rumours suggest that projects of the kind have died in their labs, murdered by petrol multinational corporations.
Even so, BMW lets us peak at a hopeful near future in the subject of environmental contamination, to which we all add with our dependence on cars.
I give you the BMW Hydrogen 7, a prototype which mixes two technologies, the "traditional" gasoline and the innovative hydrogen engine. Despite its multiple problems such as storage capacity, hydrogen distribution, efficiency, power, etc. and, foremost, of course, the cost! it is a promissing advance which may mean that, in the near future, we may be able to acquire vehicles comparable to our cars with the same contamination level as a pan of boiling water.
... this, obviously, poses the question... What effect do 30 million pans of boiling water have on the atmosphere?... Anyone care to guess?
Thanks to [JVADER] for the heads up!
And in the same line, take a look at [Negroogle]