Another set (see if I get to publish them a little quicker next time...). Though some of these are not technically mine since I didn't shoot them (the neon ones) I did actually do the development and contributed to the ideas... hehehe. The official photographer is [Mr. Ayarza].
Monday, December 14, 2009
More devs
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Two jewels
Some of you (spanish readers) know how fond I am of [Fogonazos], a wonderful blog in which, "Aberron" delights us with the weird and wonderful, the original and the impressive. Like me, he is a science lover.
Today he has brought us some videos in which he combines snippets of Carl Sagan's legendary series "Cosmos" together with others like Stephen Hawkins, thanks to the technology of MIDI and Vocoders and the talent of [The symphony of science], sing the glories of the Universe.
It is also better if you can understand the lyrics, of course ;-)
His entries:
[Como de grande es la antartida]
[Nuevo dueto de Sagan]
And the videos:
I will download the entire "cosmos" series, which already fascinated me back then.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New deviances
Some recovered old pics, some more recent, slightly treated or very treated. In essence, pieces of what I see
Sorry for not publishing... My new responsibilities are, as you all know, taking a toll in both time and energy, though the rewards are great.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Let's find out!
let's find out
That's a sentence that has become a war cry every time I draw my iPhone in the company of others. When I bought the gadget, I didn't imagine all the useful things that could be accomplished with it. I bought it out of a whim. I liked the concept and I could afford it.
But it has surprised me the usefullness I've been able to get from it.
Appart from being able to continue chats once I've left the office, level hanging pictures (yes, seriously), reply to important (or not) emails, here are other examples:
What do the initials TT exactly stand for in the Audi model? (Tourist Trophy)
Look up the tube map well away from any tube stop and without the paper map.
Find out what's on at the cinema in the middle of a meal to plan ahead.
Photograph your gal's favourite car or a similar jewel.
Send forward examples for a DIY project in order to clarify what is needed.
To be able to show your bike to people who don't know about bikes but want to know which bike you have.
Report traffic violations (thought not legally binding) even commited by real car jewels.
Stay in touch with what your people are doing at all times.
Make phone calls overseas for free (yes, yes, this is Skype through 3G).>
All this plus the usual suspects (ever more necessary to my new life), of course: datebook, calendar, tasks, notes, calculator, measure unit converter, music, videos, games and other gadgetry.
And still other examples: sending Xing invitations to potential collaborators you meet in parties. Give directions to people who ask for a street you're not quite sure where it is. And the list keeps on growing! What? Let's find out!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
New blog
Starting this new phase of my life, I have decided to share my experiences from a more serious point of view than this, my corner of expresion. I have opened a [NEW BLOG] to expose my experiences and explore another facet of my interests, the one on professional growth, coaching and other terms associated with these concepts.
I won't linger on this entry since it is now a little latem, the day has been long and I need my rest. There is still a long way to go on my projects, both professional and literary. The latter, as you will see, is still in dipers, since I have not spent a single minute on the graphic side.
I give you my [Diary on growth]
As usual, all critique is welcome.
Friday, March 20, 2009
New pieces
In a continuing effort of creativity that burdens me, I present to you today two new musical pieces which, again, are half-way through production. I've decided I will be publishing them as I go along and I will let you know when they are finished (which will substitute the present ones).
All critique is welcome. Be aware, though, that except when otherwise mentioned, these are unfinished works. They are also published in diminished sound quality for reasons of space and versatility. If anyone wants a full-quality version, you only have to ask and I will gladly send it to you.
This said, I proceed.
The first piece, "Tame" (pronounced "tameh") tells a lovestory. It is a piece in 5 parts (see if you can differenciate them). It starts with the noise that fills it all, strange and uncomfortable, and a weak voice trying to be heard. The call for help is surrounded by a melancholic halo, still strange, but is suddently heard in an unsuspected new change. Two voices (still absent in this version, since I removed "the experiment" some of you have heard, untill I have it sorted out) start talking to each other, initially separatedly, then together, sometimes dissonant, sometimes harmonious, finally concordant... untill a third voice breaks the harmony and the melancholy returns, the sadness. But the sadness doesn't last long and turns to romanticism and returning, renewed love. This turns much more sober, mature and solid, in a promise of endurance that the music will continue.
The second piece, "Drawings" speaks of that moment when we stop and, distractedly start doodling, lost in the melancholy of the moment. But we realise where that line of thought will lead and we change it to something happier, experimental, attempting, testing, flowing with it. The contrast of staccattos with a finer melody combines the drawing of thicker lines with finer details. Where will this moment of divagation take us?
To listen to the pieces you only have to select them in the player, in the selection list. Be patient, as the pieces are "big" and will take some time to download depending on your connection, but it does work with any browser that has flash installed. Guaranteed! You can watch the download progress once you've selected a track.
By the way, this is the very same player you can find at the top of the menu on the right of these entries.
Enjoy and thank you for your time and thoughts.