Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Not long ago I read (though I had read that before) that dreams are nothing more than the random firing of brain synapses (mainly memories) that the brain works to chain together in a more or less meaningfull line (a story).

This is one of the reasons why things are so weird sometimes in dreams (a person becomes another, a place suddently changes or things are where they don't belong, etc.).

However sometimes I find it really hard to put together that scientific concept with the reality of what I feel when I dream.

Last night, for example, I dreamt of a dear friend who passed away some time ago. Naturally, in my drea, I didn't remember she had died and seeing her was a surprise and a pleasant moment. We had the chance to talk of things that were left hanging and she told me things I really needed to hear. Waking up this morning whas a bitter sweet moment because of the mixed feelings these dreams leave me with when I awake.

I have also dreamt of my father sometimes, who died 8 years and 6 days ago. I also don't remember he is not here anymore. However he keeps giving me sage advice as always and dedicating me his company so sorely missed.

When I wake up from those dreams I find it really hard to believe they were just rationalised sparks from an overworked machine. Maybe dreams are just the way for our subcontious to give our consciousness what we need (which doesn't explain nightmares nor obsessive chasing dreams). Or maybe our departed loved ones come to us in the only way they can be accepted without a blink (pun intended)(and maybe other more playful beings also torture us with their tricks).

... or maybe the wise man was right in that dreams are just dreams

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