Friday, September 07, 2007

The Cube

I imagine you all know the movie "The Cube", a 1997 film in which a man wakes up trapped in a cubic room. The story is all about his attempt at exiting the cube.

Original as the movie and the argument are, I found out yesterday it was not that original. The original version, also called "the cube" is a 1969 TV play written by Jim Henson (the creator of the Muppets) and Jerry Juhl. This play carries all the undertones of the great sci-fi classics such as the Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury or Larry Niven's Ringworld.

Having seen both versions and differences notwithstanding, I consider this black and white verion the better (and the most disturbing) one of the two.

Thanks to the technological magic of Stage6, you can now enjoy this play (which would otherwise be impossible to get) whenever you want.

HERE IS THE LINK to watch the movie. Enjoy!

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