Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The dangers of Internet

Now that information is so readily available to everyone, it often happens what has always happened to the human being: someone invents a new weapon and someone else comes along and uses it for evil purposes (since the very first pre-human being who decided it was a better idea to throw the rock to a fellow pre-human's head rather than using it to hunt prey).

Now-a-days the same kind of things happen, though in other situations, but it happens..

This is the case of stories about [Google Maps] and the subject of provacy. You only have to do a little searching to find plenty of stories about it. As an example, someone today threw [THIS ONE] my way (sorry, no translation. Basically, employers are using people's Facebook pages to decide wether or not to hire someone). Someone may consider this unethical or an invasion of privacy, but employers only use the gun. It's the Facebook users who shoot themselves in the head with it.

People don't seem to realise just how easy it is to find the traces each one can leave behing in blogs, social networks, etc. and the kind of image that may leave for employers, friends, family, etc. Also, there are many tools easily available to, for example, trace the source of blog comments to specific IP's, companies, towns and with the use of very little logic deduction, people can easily be identified.

So, boys and girls, beware when you have a loaded weapon in your hand and treat it with respect, lest you shoot yourself in the foot and make a boo-boo!!

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