Friday, September 12, 2008


Lately, some of my friends have been moving towards the world of the engine and the two wheels. Whith this crisis and all there is a certain increase in the amount of bikes in the streets. With this and seing that people could actually attain the license without spending much in driving schools (hence not reinvesting in the taxman) so they've decided to reinvent the wheel (pun intended) and complicate matters so once more the owners of driving schools can reep to their heart's content.

I do agree that many "bikers" should be taken down from their rider's seat with a gentle smack on the head with a crash-helmet, but most of this could be solved by abolishing the loop-hole that allows car drivers to ride bikes up to 125cc and raising the insurance prices on those bikes (and leave the rest of us the hell alone). Sorry, driving a car for 25 years does NOT make you a good scooter rider.

[HERE] (sorry, link in spanish) you can find information on the details of the matter. But since an image is worth a thousand words, this is more or less where the Ministry of Transportation (is it still called that?) is trying to go. Notice, also, that examinations will be taken in group. It is unclear, though, if all will fail when just one bollocks up... We'll have to wait and see...

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